Friday, December 19, 2014

Train Time Poetry

Just want to share what I do during my long commute. I find that I am best inspired while waiting for the train to arrive. So, here is one of my creations written (or typed) as I travel from work to home:


i think of you when i shouldn't
i dream of you when i'm awake
i call your name in the wind
i see your face in the stars.

each passing hour is filled
with memories of your smile
and the day does not end
without your shadow in my mind.

i remember, i dream
of the sunset we've shared
your lips soft as cherry
sweet as ice cream in a summer day.

i hear your voice in the breeze
i hear you whispering my name
i hope for many things
that i know will never be.

i've told myself to stop
my own limit i have broken
i wrote rules i didn't follow
for you, my heart is undisciplined.

i think of you when i shouldn't
i hope for you, though we couldn't be
in my loneliness, i dream of us
and of what would have been.

**please don't copy without permission.